Fan Fare Decoded [Infographic]

Satisfi Labs
Satisfi Labs
February 25, 2020
We collected data from more than 6 million fans, across 92 teams in the MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, MLS, and MiLB to look at what people really want from their in-game experience. We analyzed the types of questions fans are asking on our conversational platform, from where they can locate certain foods to what brands of beer they’re requesting.

We gathered some interesting takeaways. For example, while craft beer is hot amongst MLB and MLS fans, NBA and NHL fans aren’t jumping on the bandwagon.

So, what does this kind of data mean for your organization? When you know what your customers want, it makes it that much easier to deliver.

Check out some of the findings for yourself in the below infographic, and if you’re interested in more insights, download the full report: Burgers, Beer, & Bottled Water: What do Fans Really Want.

Fan Fare Decode Infographic

If you’re ready to see how Satisfi Labs’s platform measures up, schedule a demo with us today.

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