20 Questions to Ask Conversational AI Vendors You’re Evaluating

Aliona Margulis
Aliona Margulis
August 22, 2024

Choosing the right conversational AI vendor can feel like a daunting task, especially with so many options available. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together a list of 20 key questions to ask any vendor you’re evaluating. These questions cover essential areas like technology, trust, product features, and service, ensuring you find a solution that truly meets your needs.


Goal: To comprehensively understand the AI’s architecture, training methodology, and operational mechanisms.


  1. How does your platform integrate Natural Language Processing techniques with recent generative AI advancements?
  2. Can you describe your approach to semantic understanding and contextual analysis within conversations?
  3. Which specific Large Language Models does your solution leverage, if any? What strategies do you employ to prevent Large Language Models from generating ‘hallucinated’ responses?
  4. Is it possible to create and manage custom (prewritten) responses? If so, how does your system decide when to use these versus generated responses?
  5. How do you ensure that your solution can handle peak traffic during high-demand periods?


Goal: To evaluate the vendor’s commitment to data protection, privacy, and inclusive user experience.


  1. What protocols are followed in case of suspicious conversations indicating potential security or safety threats? How quickly can your system detect and respond to such threats?
  2. What is your process for escalating suspicious conversations to clients? 
  3. Can you detail the specific technical measures implemented to ensure data security & privacy?
  4. Is your solution accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, and how do you ensure compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., ADA, WCAG)?
  5. What certifications and compliance standards (e.g., SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR) does your solution adhere to, and what do they entail for data protection and privacy?

Product Features

Goal: To assess the depth and breadth of the platform’s capabilities, focusing on how well it can be tailored to specific business needs. 


  1. What kinds of integrations do you support with other platforms and services (e.g., CRM, ticketing systems, CMS)?
  2. Do you support in-chat transactions?
  3. Which advanced conversational flow features do you offer that can guide users through complex topics and processes?
  4. Is it possible to escalate specific conversations to a live agent? Do you support intent-based routing to ensure live agent queries are directed to the most appropriate resource?
  5. What analytics and reporting tools are included? Can you provide examples of how these tools have helped other clients improve ROI and customer engagement?
  6. Can your solution handle multimedia content, such as images, GIFs and videos, within the chat experience?


Goal: To gauge the vendor’s dedication to client succes beyond the initial sale.


  1. What kind of onboarding, support, and training do you offer during and after implementation?
  2. Do you provide a dedicated account manager to assist with ongoing needs?
  3. Can you describe your product roadmap for the next 12-18 months?

By asking the right questions, you can ensure that the conversational AI platform you choose aligns with your business goals and customer expectations. 

If you’re ready to see how Satisfi Labs’s platform measures up, schedule a demo with us today.

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